Our Parish Religious Education Program begins in one month!
Have you registered?
We want to be ready for everyone with adequate books and supplies. Your prompt registration will allow us to do just that. Our first class is Sunday, September 8th from 9-10 AM in the parish school.
The registration form and calendar for the year can be found on the parish website, mbsbally.org under the PREP tab. Registration forms are also on the table in the back of church. Your registration form can be put in the Sunday collection, brought to the church office, mailed, or emailed.
We are all looking forward to having your children with us this coming year.
Mrs. Kathleen Clark - gr. 1
Mrs. Helen Moyer - gr. 2
Mrs. Katie Borneman - gr. 3
Mr. Patrick Corry - gr. 4
Mrs. Carolyn Schaeffer - gr. 5
Mrs. Beth Cancilla - gr. 6
Ms. Nancy Ackerman - gr. 7
Mrs. Denise Stull - gr. 8
CCD registration is open for 1-8 grades. The program runs from mid- September to the end of April. Please contact Denise Stull at 610-845-2460 or [email protected].
MBS utilizes Flocknote messages to notify CCD parents by text or email of important news, such as school closings due to weather. Sign up information for Flocknotes can be found on the parish website at www.mbsbally.org.
Just fill out the form on the website to subscribe to Flocknotes. You can enter both your cell phone number and email address to receive alerts. After you click the SIGN ME UP link, you will be directed to sign up for groups. Please sign up for the CCD Parents group. Once you sign up, you will be connected to Most Blessed Sacrament. If you have any questions, please contact me at 610-845-2460 or dstull@mbsbally.org.